Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Ting Comic and Graphic Arts Festival 2015

Here is the artwork I drew for Ting 2 this year. 
The direction was my take on the Luke Worm, so I obviously went into space.

The 2nd annual Ting Comic and Graphic Arts Festival takes place April 21 – May 9, 2015.

Monday, 23 March 2015

PEW. The best Sci-Fi sound ever!

Panel from my unpublished comic. This page will be included in my submissions to Ting 2.

Made some edits to this one.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Tales of the Bishop

My comic based on the Bishop Isaac Hellmuth founder of Western University in London Ontario. It's out today in the March 5th edition of Western News

Originally a couple colleagues and I joked about creating a comic based on "The Bish" where he might travel through time and fight vampires, zombies, aliens and the vile werelynx a far more diabolical lyncanthrope.

I'll add some of the earlier pages that were drawn. Those pages illustrate something a little closer to our original vision.