Thursday, 27 June 2013

RIP Ray Bradbury

Another drawing from my vault.

When Ray Bradbury passed away we, as well as the world of science fiction, lost a great voice and imagination. 

This illustration was used in an article published after his passing. I tried to incorporate as many of his stories as I could in this piece. We have The Illustrated Man pouring out some Dandelion Wine while holding a copy of Farenheit 451, and even The Martian Chronicles can be found in the tattoos. 

Thanks for the inspiration.
RIP Ray.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Marching Robots

Here's a before and after of a robot design I've been working on for a bit. The original was a doodle ink on paper that I then scanned and turned into a silkscreen tee, found here


I've always liked this robot and I wanted to use it for a character in a comic I'm working on... so here he is, new and improved.



A little retro pulp ray gun action.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Dick Tracy

I love the old pulp style, so here's my attempt at a classic. Created by Chester Gould here's my version of the original no-nonsense police detective Dick Tracy with the famous 2-way wrist radio.

For more

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Adventure has a name

Indiana Jones!

Originally a drawing for an article on the future of archaeology, I've reworked this concept to be a one colour silk screened tee and print.

Silkscreen artwork


I've made this design available both on my page on society6

and my own site where I hand silkscreen geekssociety 


Tuesday, 18 June 2013

It's Superman

Came across this 2012 illustration that I did for another article at work. Drawn after an Alex Ross Superman pose.

Now Screening

Here's a little illustration I did for an article about screening films. Not much but always a bonus when you draw for your pay.